CeNS best junior scientist publication award
Our publication "Quantum Dot Metal Salt Interactions Unraveled by the Sphere of Action Model" (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 26, 14395–14403) by Ilka Vinçon, Anja Barfüßer, Jochen Feldmann, and Quinten Akkerman has been awarded a CeNs publication award 2023 in the category "Best junior scientist publication".

Our publication "Quantum Dot Metal Salt Interactions Unraveled by the Sphere of Action Model" (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 26, 14395–14403) by Ilka Vinçon, Anja Barfüßer, Jochen Feldmann, and Quinten Akkerman has been awarded a CeNs publication award 2023 in the category "Best junior scientist publication".